The mere thoughts that reside in my mind.
Try trusting me...
Published on April 9, 2005 By only a shadow In Philosophy
Truth is the only safe ground to stand upon. Lies are what destroy everything we ever knew and believed in.

So the simple answer is to tell the truth, right? Wrong, half of the damn society has a problem with that.

I don’t lie... whether it’s about something I’ve done or never done. I just don’t lie. People will call me a liar… which I still can’t understand, because it is them who are lying to everyone… not me. But if that is how they cope with their problems, they can keep blaming everything on me… I’m immune to it now.

I hear lies everywhere… deceiving lies buzzing through my ears destroying my initiative to believe anyone. So I have no trust in anything: I have no trust in the future, no trust in people… That is result of lies. And I still hear them… and still live on some of them. Not because I can, but because I have nothing else to stand on… the lies are the only thing holding me here. And at this point I perceive them as the truth.

So speak the truth… even if it burns your tongue to speak it. Lies are not always spoken by words… sometimes it is demonstrated by silence. Remember that.


on Apr 09, 2005
Good advice, though you must learn to trust takes time, but trust is something people need to feel comfortable.

on Apr 09, 2005
Oh Shadow I fully appreciate this article and personally thank~you for expressing this truth through your article~!~ I completely agree with you as far as being honest is concerned even if it may hurt for that is how we learn through truth. It is all in how the truth is communicated yeilding it with a sharp blade is only the last resort if there is no other way too. Yes~Yes~yes to sometimes silence is equated to a lie for it is with~holding information which in my opinion can be just as hurtful and I find no need for it. Alot of times the truth hurts but that is how the healing begins or a road to a stronger future.

~Peace,LoVe,Health & Happiness~Extended to you

But one has to trust to some degree the amount of trust differs for to fully trust another it must be earned over time through understanding neVer give up hope