Pretending to be the person I’m not
Wondering from here to there
Having no sense of true direction
No one to hold my hand
No one to call me angel
Only the empty faces
The empty faces I see day to day
Hearing their awful mockery
Only when my back is turned
But with my ears completely open
What is so wrong with me,
That I cannot amount to even be a friend?
What have I done to all those empty faces
The faces were never there and saw what was done.
They never cared when they saw my tears.
The only pleasure they got was in their mockery.
Nothing I can do is right.
Only wrong in their eyes
But why do I care?
These empty faces should mean nothing to me.
But oh, they mean everything.
Each face represents a broken friendship
None of whom are willing to mend.
So I walk down my lonely path.
Hands by my sides, walking past this group of empty faces
Avoiding their glances, dodging their conversations
The same path I take every morning
Walking to my isolation, where I sit and cry
Getting tired…. And then sleeping.
Until I have to see these faces again.
Driving me insane
Killing me inside
These feelings I’m suppressing
Always trying to hide
But now it’s out
But shall not change an empty face
And I could leave this mortal earth
Without a single trace.
This is dedicated to every person who never took the chance to ask why someone is hurt or why they're crying. Every person who will drive a person to their own death and never look down to see a struggling hand looking for a place to get up. Every person who has looked past someone who thought of you as a friend. Every person who has given someone silence as a sign of how much they fucking care! Think about someone like that in your life.
I have someone who has helped me up, but that doesn't mean he can hold me there for long. Knowing you have one person who cares, but even more who's purpose in life is to destroy yours... it kind of drags you back down.