I hear you laughing
Your voice is always in the back of my head
It always has been
Always been there, ever since the day you left.
Ever since the day you walked across that stage.
I knew I lost something from that point on
But I still kept your voice in my memories.
I keep your picture in my nightstand.
Trying to stop loving you has been the hardest achievement
I have ever tried to accomplish.
And yet, I’ve still never succeeded.
You will never read this,
But, in my heart I wish you would.
You were my first kiss, my first love
You were my best friend.
In a way, although we are miles apart
You still are.
Every time I look up in the midnight sky
And see the same stars shining the night we were underneath them
We made a promise, that no matter what…
We would always be there for each other, no matter what.
We would always have a part of our heart committed to the other
So I leave this with you
The past is behind us
No matter what you have done, come to me when you cry
I care about you, still.
That night under the stars is the night I will never forget
And you are the person I cannot forget.
Not really a poem, just want to get it off my chest.