Tomorrow I take my ACT for the first time. Does anyone have any good advice or tips for taking it? I have never taken a strait 4-hour test before. The OGT took a total of 12 and a half hours, but that was 2 and a half hours a day for 5 consecutive days… and I never even used most of that time.
It took me about 45 minutes to complete the math section (double checking answers and everything); which is my poorest subject… and I still received an advanced rating. Math tends to be my strong point during tests… but my worst subject in school.
Anyway, I hope that some people can give me advice for the ACT tomorrow morning! I am excited, but really nervous.
Wish me luck… I will need it. I haven’t even taken chemistry yet! (But a friend was showing me the basics before summer break… so hopefully that’s enough!)