The mere thoughts that reside in my mind.
only a shadow's Articles In Health & Medicine
April 10, 2005 by only a shadow
Anorexia is the psychological condition in which young women (and sometimes men) refuse to eat to become thin Bulimia is the physical condition in which a person purges their food after they are done eating it. There is a woman, who is a hero to me and hopefully to many other people. Her name is Emma Igelstrom. For those who don’t know this woman, she is an Olympian, a champion, and overcame Bulimia. She is a swimmer, and won 3 world champion titles, 10 European titles (her first...
May 12, 2005 by only a shadow
People believe something they have done in the past is embarrassing, humiliating, and degrading. It is something we all live with; we all make mistakes. My confession is something I scarcely talk about… actually, I never really talk about at all. I will mention it to a caring friend… only if they are persistent. Other than those few… no one really knows. I can act like I am completely fine… but sometimes I am burning up inside. I will rant at people, be very angry and seem frustrate...
June 23, 2005 by only a shadow
I dislocated my thumb at practice yesterday. I don’t think I have ever said that many profane words in a row too… We were kicking the soccer ball around with tennis shoes on. Well, being the dumb ass that I am, I slipped over the ball. Doing that, I fell with all my weight on my poor little thumb. It popped out of socket and the rest of my body fell to the ground, particularly on my knee. I cursed… a lot… and rolled it back in place. Dammit to hell, it hurts like a mother fucker. ...
April 17, 2005 by only a shadow
What are the benefits of being a vegan? From what I can see, it is a very unhealthy “belief”. Although… I do understand vegetarians who can eat the products from animals. They have a very healthy lifestyle, they get all the vitamins and nutrients their body needs… but might lack a little protein unless they eat beans constantly. They actually might be somewhat healthier than most people. But with being a vegan, all you can eat/drink is broccoli and water… you can’t (or at least you s...
April 9, 2005 by only a shadow
Fake tanning… hmm… in my book this is a very interesting topic. Ok, everyone knows what fake tanning is. You lay in a “tanning bed” for about 20 minutes. For that 20 minutes you get 3 hours worth of concentrated sunlight. You come out and look like a giant orange. If you want to be orange, just use self-tanning lotion… take my word on it. Now, if that doesn’t convince people about how awful it looks… just think of your health! Skin Cancer! The easiest way to avoid it is wearing su...