The mere thoughts that reside in my mind.
only a shadow's Articles In Misc » Page 2
April 10, 2005 by only a shadow
Please, oh please… Tell me something other than a lie Tell me that you really love me And not willing to say goodbye Tell me your willing to fix the pieces And not walk away Like all the others. My outstretched arm is looking for love I want your hand to take mine Don’t leave me in the dust Give me your trust Give me the love I need The kind to build me back Tell me you love me without doubt Just look past the battered heart And teary eyes I am someone But no one I am n...
April 10, 2005 by only a shadow
You take a turn and be the outcast Always try your best, and always come in last I try to be beautiful, I absolutely try But when I realize I’m not, I go home and cry I try to trust, so I can’t try anymore But all anyone ever did was shut the door Take a turn to loose your friends The one’s you thought would be there in the end All I hear is the lies, the silent lies, the spoken lies Every one followed with endless goodbyes So bring on the drama, bring on the hate It was ...
April 17, 2005 by only a shadow
Women are not as seriously thought of as the weaker sex in America as we are in the rest of the world. I think about women who are not as fortunate as I living a life of fear in Bulgaria and Egypt. They need help. That is why Valentines Day is also known as V-Day. V-Day is a worldwide activist movement that raises money for groups trying to end violence against women. It is not only celebrated on the 14th of February, but through February and March. V-day events are held periodically ...
April 16, 2005 by only a shadow
What is wrong with me? Why can’t I be like her? Why can’t I be the woman of your dreams? What is so wrong with me, That I cannot even be a friend… What is wrong with me? Why can’t I be pretty? Why can’t I be thin? Why can’t I just be perfect? So you can hold me in your arms, And never let me go… Like others did so long ago. What do you see in her, That you cannot find in me? Why can’t I be good at anything? Why am I so worthless to you? Why am I so worthless to everyone? ...
April 16, 2005 by only a shadow
Gloomy nights. The nights you walk alone. Having only your own hand to hold, And oh – how you attempt to act so bold. When the world is resting on your shoulders, And everything you have ever done has gone wrong. So mortal, what do you plan to do with your pathetic life now? Do you plan to live a glorious life bathing in your own feeble misery? What about a semi-brilliant future living a sorry excuse for a life? Forget it useless soul, you know not of what you think. The cruel world...
April 21, 2005 by only a shadow
On an empty hill side, Somewhere far away. Where the stars shine without a doubt, Is where I’ll live someday. In an empty house, Somewhere bright and new. Where I can wish upon every star, And never have to look at you. In an empty room, Looking at the burning flame. Wondering what I am going to do next, And why I am living in such shame. Sitting on an empty chair, Listening to the sound of death. Dreaming about those who told me goodbye, Wishing I would take my last brea...
April 21, 2005 by only a shadow
Just be yourself. I am tired of people posing as people they know they're not. Don't pretend to be a musician... when you can't play music. Don't pretend to be a friend... when you're never there. Don't pretend to be a singer... when you choke on your own words. Don't pretend to be so strong... when you can't take the blame for what you've done Don't pretend to be so innocent... when it is you who has lied all along. Just keep on pretending that you've never met me... that is the w...
June 24, 2005 by only a shadow
I am temporarily (probably permanently) leaving JU. Dear someone, I am running away again. The problem was there on the table for us to resolve, but we both turned our heads. I can’t read anything you write, that is why I am leaving. You seemed to have wanted me out of your life completely… so I am cutting off this last form of communication between us. I hope that you are happy now that I am completely gone. We never even got to say goodbye… good or bad, I still find that a l...
June 23, 2005 by only a shadow
I am too bad for the good girls. I have made out with guys, I curse, I am mean… most of the good girls get mad at me and tell me that I am “such a bad person for saying the stuff I say”. I am too good to be a bad girl. I don’t drink or smoke enough, I get good grades, and enjoy studying. They would think I’m a poser. I am not preppy. I don’t play basketball, volleyball, or softball… so that knocks me out right there. I belong nowhere. I don’t fit in. I can’t do anythi...
June 19, 2005 by only a shadow
I have an old blog I was just looking through. I can’t help but cry when I read it. This is full of anger, crying, and how I felt for what seemed like forever. You have to read from the bottom up… that is in chronological order. That is how I felt… and I hope everyone is happy. Shadow
June 11, 2005 by only a shadow
The ACT… wasn’t as difficult as I anticipated. Actually… I probably did better than half of the idiots I was roomed with. Most of them were big, stupid football studs that spent 15 minutes on each test and then fell asleep. Alysha (acband girl) went with me (actually, she is the one who inspired me to test with her). Her parents were helping with the test so I also got a ride home and a free lunch! Thank you Alysha’s parents! I knew most of the information, read the material thoro...
June 10, 2005 by only a shadow
Tomorrow I take my ACT for the first time. Does anyone have any good advice or tips for taking it? I have never taken a strait 4-hour test before. The OGT took a total of 12 and a half hours, but that was 2 and a half hours a day for 5 consecutive days… and I never even used most of that time. It took me about 45 minutes to complete the math section (double checking answers and everything); which is my poorest subject… and I still received an advanced rating. Math tends to be my stro...
June 5, 2005 by only a shadow
Ain’t got no gun, got no knife Don’t you start no fight Cause I’m TNT I’m dynamite TNT, but I’ll win the fight TNT, I’m a power load TNT… just watch me explode. Great song… Honestly people… I can beat the hell out of your face so it will look like your ass, that’s just what karate and off-season fight training can do for you. My abs are rock solid. Sadly, it’s because when I was really angry at the worst time of my life, self mutilation kicked in and I beat myself with my fi...
June 5, 2005 by only a shadow
Everyone has heard the song “You Shook Me All Night Long” by AC/DC. Well, there is a story behind that song for me. I absolutely love the song and I always have. Well, going to an Academic Challenge tournament I was listening to the CD in my walkman and started singing. My best friend told me to stop singing it and I take off my headphones and go, “Why? The first time I have sex I want this song to be playing…” She gave me a really weird look and says, “How does that not surprise me y...
June 2, 2005 by only a shadow
I am not as dumb as you guys think. I have a plan. I make good friends with the people of the younger classes. They actually respect me… look up to me… and I like them as people. They don’t lie, deceive, or turn around and stab your back! It’s the people in my class and older who are the bitches and bastards! And besides… I am going to get close (personally) to some of them, and maybe not so close with others. I will be there and offer to be the best friend they ever had… I would...